Monday, January 21, 2013

The difference between Ghibli and others

I want to talk about the difference between Ghibli and others. Ghibli has a lot of difference point between it and others. So, Ghibli a high growth in the animation world.
Ghibli has high quality of painting picture. The quality is top level in the world.
Please look this picture.

This picture is very beautiful!
The representation of sunlight is very real. Studio Ghibli described the scene vividly. The description is minutely. Studio Ghibli spend a lot of time to painting this picture. I think that the work is very hard. But painter drowning. I think it is very wonderful. The obsession for art is very storing. So,
 I think that stuff of studio Ghibli is real pro.  The season in the world is summer. The picture can representation japanese traditional landscape. A lot of plant in the world is very flesh.  The plants was bask in the sun, and it is shine.
When you look up this picture. If you are japanese or have experience living in japan, you can feel your  child foot. The picture is painted old home. When I look up the picture first, I look on it with nostalgia. It is too difficult for other people to experience that. So, I think that the quality of studio Ghibli is very high. So, studio Ghibli was recognized by the world.
This time, I have one question. The question is "Why can studio Ghibli keep quality ?"
I have one answer of the question.
The reason is career. Studio Ghibli has long history. So stuff of studio Ghibli is has very long career. For example Miyazaki Hayao, he is too old to making animation. Miyazaki Hayao spends a lot of time to painting. So, he can paint very very high quality pictures. Other stuff can paint high quality pictures too. Stuff of studio Ghibli studied about painting for a long time. For example, the univercity about painting, vocationally school about painting.
Ghibli has a lot of different point between Ghibli and others. The story of studio Ghibli is unique. The story was thunked for very long time. The stuffs of studio Ghibli have a lot of meeting about story. It is very hard. But after meeting, the story is very profound world view.
And character of studio Ghibli is unique too. There are a lot of characters in Ghibli's movies. For example, Ashitaka, San, Sen, Haku, Baron. Some character is normal people. But others are god, animals, and spirit. The caracter is full of life. So, people can look for their favorite character. And people can think about after story. The people was all excited at the through of it.
The production costs is very high. The studio Ghibli use a lot of money to making animation. The cost is 20~40 hundred million. It is very high. The animation studio need a lot of money to make animation. Studio Ghibli is too. So, Ghibli make goods.
After reading this topic, you can study about Ghibli. The studio Ghibuli's animation has high quality. So, the stuff spend a lot of time to making movie. The time for making is about 1~2 years. Because stuff have to make a lot of picture to move characters.

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